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Summit Transformation
The brain is powerful and we have over 1 billion thoughts in the day and 85% of those are negative. If you are struggling to find discipline, stick with your program, get the health you truly want, most likely you have a program in your mind that is holding you back. You will be successful when you are focused on your goal but the minute you lose focus your old programming comes forward and you go back to old habits. By tapping into the subconscious brain and programming a new belief, a new story, a new program, or even find a hidden block, we can change what we truly want and accomplish what we truly want in our health, and our life! Summit Transformation is a ground breaking therapy to stop rehashing your past and truly change your future! My clients are loving this addition to their program and truly finding success!
Group and one-on-one available. Schedule your FREE 15 minute session.